Alternative Dispute Resolution

LM&P has extensive experience in resolving disputed matters in civil, commercial, insurance, personal injury and wrongful death litigation as well as family law and probate matters through court ordered mediation, private mediation and arbitration. We also have experience serving as mediators and arbitrators in connection maritime disputes, as well as with the Connecticut Bar Association’s Resolution of Legal Fee Disputes Committee.

1599 Post Road East
Westport, Connecticut 06880
Tel: 203-256-8600 / 203-255-5700
Fax: 203-256-8615 / 203-255-5702
map and directions

GrayBar Building
(Grand Central Terminal)

420 Lexington Ave., Suite 300
New York, NY 10170
Tel: 212-490-6050
Fax: 212-490-6070
map and directions